Satoshi Nakamoto Was a Boomer

You’re probably thinking, how the hell does he know that the creator of Bitcoin is a boomer? Well, let me explain…
The true identity of this mysterious figure is still very much unknown. Everyone and their dog have been said to be this mysterious character on the quest to identify Nakamoto. The most notable was in 2014 when Newsweek published the article: “The Face Behind Bitcoin.” They identified Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto as the creator. This dude…

You can imagine this caused quite the stir, even back then. They cited similarities between the two Nakamotos, including both supposedly held libertarian leanings political views; Japanese heritage and Mathematical skills. This was all just speculation by the publisher because later, Dorian Nakamoto confirmed that he was not Satoshi Nakamoto – putting an end to the media interrogation and rumours.
Fun Fact: In 2014, Bitcoin enthusiast Andreas Antonopoulos launched a fundraiser to support Dorian Nakamoto. This was somewhat a way of an apology from the community for the damage and difficulty during the whole fiasco. It raised over 100 Bitcoin.
Damn – If only my parents had named me Satoshi Nakamoto!
Okay. Onto the reason you’re here…
Why do people think Satoshi is a boomer?
Nakamoto added a double space after every sentence, without exception. If you haven’t noticed by now. I have also been doing it throughout this whole blog. Did you notice? I’ll stop now – it’s quite annoying once you notice it.

I find this a rather odd habit to have but having done some digging. I understand why. It goes back to the typewriter.
Every character was given the exact same amount of space on the page. This means the letter i was also given the same amount of space as the letter m, even though it clearly didn’t need it. This is apparently called monospaced typesetting and it’s very spacey. The double space after a sentence made it easier to identify new sentences.
This right here, leads people to speculate that at the time of writing the whitepaper, Satoshi was over the age of 40 and the typewriter was a big part of their upbringing.
Well, there you have it. Eat your heart out Zuck!